Reform Party Pledge Tracker

Reform UK, as a small party in opposition, have little power to actually put their pledges into legislation. However, they should be able to successfully raise key issues in parliament, submit for private members bills to legislate their ideas, and use parliamentary procedure to challenge the government on the implementation of their own plans.

Please note, where anti-climate actions have been promised, the party will still be judged based on their success in advocating or implementing this change.


The Green Economy

Party Pledge

What progress has been made?

Scrap Net Zero and related Subsidies

The Government remains committed to the principle of Net Zero

Scrap Annual £10 Billion of Renewable Energy Subsidies

Ministers have not committed to this and have actively increased investment into renewables


Party Pledge

What progress has been made?

Fast-track licences of North Sea gas and oil

The Government has committed to not granting any new licences for oil and gas production

Grant shale gas licences on test sites for 2 years

No significant progress made

Fast-track clean nuclear energy with new Small Modular Reactors, built in Britain

No significant progress made

Transport and Infrastructure

Party Pledge

What progress has been made?

Scrap HS2

The Government has not committed to scrapping the remaining sections of HS2

Legislate to ban ULEZ Clean Air Zones and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods.

No significant progress made

Accelerate Transport Infrastructure with focus on our coastal regions, Wales, the North, and the Midlands

Legislation was launched in the King’s Speech to accelerate critical infrastructure developments

Bring 50% of each utility into public ownership, with the other 50% owned by UK pension funds

No significant progress made

Overhaul and merge the National Infrastructure Commission and the Infrastructure Bank

Ministers have announced that the National Infrastructure Commission is set to be overhauled by the Treasury


Party Pledge

What progress has been made?

Scrap Climate-Related Farming Subsidies

Ministers have not indicated any intention to move away from the current system

Protect Country Sports (Hunting)

Ministers have committed to a ban but have not published plans

Increase the Farming Budget to £3 Billion

No significant progress made

Stop EU fishers taking UK quotas, ban foreign supertrawlers from UK waters, and guarantee sustainable fishing stocks

Ministers have indicated they are currently reviewing fishing policy in conversation with the industry and devolved governments